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Latest news about Kazakhstan on The Qazaqstan Monitor

Our mission is to deliver quick and relevant news about Kazakhstan and its people that are of interest to Kazakh citizens and foreigners living in other countries. We display the latest stories in Kazakhstan’s politics and economy, achievements and victories, breaking news, opening ceremonies, and project launches. The news section of’s feed is reserved for hot topics and trending events that are circulating in the Kazakh media, so our readers can be certain they are receiving the most recent updates.

Whether you prefer reading about trade, migration, diplomacy, sports digests, or important announcements, we got you covered.

In the News section, you can typically find stories about:

  • internal and external affairs of Kazakhstan
  • the national economy and trade with other countries
  • cultural events, such as opening of exhibitions, festivals and fairs, as well as successful promotion of Kazakh culture and traditions abroad
  • famous Kazakh athletes and major sports victories at international championships and competitions
  • project launches in the sphere of business, commerce, heavy industry, green economy, energy, agriculture, science, education, and more.

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The Qazaqstan Monitor’s News is our most active category with fresh publications filling Today’s Highlights every day. The category presents useful information that has been condensed into short, easy-to-read articles. Topics from other categories – business, lifestyle, travel, and people – feature in the section as well; the only difference is that those stories are announcements or time-specific news, which lets readers of to be aware of the latest developments as they occur.