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1 USD to KZT - Convert US Dollars to Kazakhstani Tenge


  • USD
  • KZT
  • EUR
  • RUB
  • CNY
  • GBP
  • INR
  • USD
  • KZT
  • EUR
  • RUB
  • caret-down
    • USDUS Dollars
    • KZTKazakhstani Tenge
    • EUREuro
    • RUBRussian Ruble
    • CNYChinese Yuan Renminbi
    • GBPPound Sterling
    • INRIndian Rupee

1 USD = 474,83 KZT

converter icon


  • USD
  • KZT
  • EUR
  • RUB
  • CNY
  • GBP
  • INR
  • USD
  • KZT
  • EUR
  • RUB
  • caret-down
    • USDUS Dollars
    • KZTKazakhstani Tenge
    • EUREuro
    • RUBRussian Ruble
    • CNYChinese Yuan Renminbi
    • GBPPound Sterling
    • INRIndian Rupee

1 KZT = 0,0021 USD

Data for 27.07.2024 05:00:11 GMT+06:00

Looking to convert your dollars to tenge or vice versa? The Qazaqstan Monitor's currency converter is a simple and convenient tool for calculating foreign exchange rates. Just enter the amount you want to convert and select your preferred currency. We offer conversion rates for the US dollar (USD), Euro (EUR), Kazakhstani tenge (KZT), Chinese yuan (CNY), British pound sterling (GBR), Russian ruble (RUB), Indian rupee (INR), and Turkish lira (TRY). Our calculator is adjusted daily using the most accurate and reliable exchange rates. Use our free currency converter and make informed decisions about your money!