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  3. Kazakhstan Considers Adopting Korean Innovations in Education
Astana, Kazakhstan • 21 September, 2023 | 16:08
1 min read

Kazakhstan Considers Adopting Korean Innovations in Education

Minister of Education Beisembayev attended the Global Education and Innovation Summit in Seoul

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Minister of Education Gani Beisembayev discussed bilateral cooperation in education, innovation exchange, and ongoing digital transformation projects with Lee Ju-ho, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Education of South Korea, QazMonitor reports citing the ministry’s press service.

On September 21, the capital of Korea is hosting the 2023 HTHT Global Education and Innovation Summit, attracting experts and officials from around the world to discuss the application of innovations in education.

"We are pleased to welcome you as our guest. This meeting represents another important stage of cooperation between our countries to implement new initiatives aimed at the development of digital education," said Prime Minister Lee during the meeting in Seoul.

The Kazakh side emphasized the importance of introducing innovative teaching strategies, and in this context, our country looks to adopt the best Korean practices in the application of new technologies in education.

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