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  3. Kazakhstan to Introduce Single National Operator of Aviation Security
Astana, Kazakhstan • 27 March, 2023 | 17:08
1 min read

Kazakhstan to Introduce Single National Operator of Aviation Security

The country continues to implement European aviation security standards

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Kazakhstan plans to establish a single nationwide operator to maintain security at airports and revise the aviation security fees, QazMonitor reports.

Clive Wright and Abigail Hansen of the European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC) met with representatives of Kazakhstan's aviation administration and civil aviation committee to evaluate the effectiveness of the European CASE-1 and CASE-2 training projects in the country.

The CASE-1 project took place during 2017-2019, with the country's aviation inspectors and airport aviation security officers participating in various seminars and courses to learn about European aviation security requirements.

The CASE-2 project started this year within the framework of the phased implementation of Kazakhstan’s 2030 transport and logistics potential development concept.

ECAC experts stressed that many countries around the world are considering the creation of a single operator of aviation security, expecting that this initiative will help to significantly improve the level of aviation security in the country. The operator will consider changing the security fees calculation procedure from per ton to per passenger payments.

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