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  3. Culture Ministry Proposed Classifying Businesses in Creative Spheres
Astana, Kazakhstan • 06 March, 2023 | 16:10
1 min read

Culture Ministry Proposed Classifying Businesses in Creative Spheres

The classification will help identify businesses that need financial and legislative support

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The ministry of culture and sports announced its plans to create a system of classifying businesses that belong to the creative industries in order to provide financial support for them, QazMonitor reports.

In the first quarter of 2023, the ministry will develop the criteria for classifying businesses in the creative fields and organize them in a list.

After that, there will be a special fund created to support these businesses along with a draft list of legislative measures to aid industry development.

According to the culture minister Askhat Oralov, they are also considering the possibility of providing additional counseling to the members of creative communities.

“It's not just about creating a support fund. We have specialists who can help put together a business plan, and provide legal or financial advice,” Oralov said.

If there's an interesting concept, we're ready to provide this kind of aid. That's why I propose to identify five or ten important projects and start working with them.

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