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  3. Kazakhstan Receives Air Transport News Corporate Award 2023
Astana, Kazakhstan • 24 March, 2023 | 15:44
1 min read

Kazakhstan Receives Air Transport News Corporate Award 2023

Representatives of the country's aviation received the ATN award in Montreal

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The aviation administration of Kazakhstan (AAK) received recognition for its transition to new civil aviation management, winning the prestigious Air Transport News Corporate Award at the global ICAO Air Transport Symposium in Montreal, QazMonitor reports.

The symposium provides a discussion platform for policymakers, air transport regulators, industry representatives, and legal experts. The ATN Corporate Award signifies the highest level of international recognition among industry leaders.

The AAK was established three years ago to become an effective aviation authority based on the best international practices. Working closely with representatives of the national civil aviation committee, the regulator has been able to strengthen its oversight capabilities, which have been recognized by various international audits and evaluations.

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