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France: The Latest News

News about France

France is one of Kazakhstan's largest economic partners. This has determined warm relations between the countries and contributed to the development of cooperation. The beginning of diplomatic friendship was laid by Nursultan Nazarbayev, who made an official visit to France in 1992. During this event, a bilateral cooperation agreement was signed. In addition, France became the first European country to recognize Kazakhstan's independence after the collapse of the USSR.

News about France and cooperation with Kazakhstan

A new milestone in the development of Kazakh-French relations came in 2009, when the presidents of the countries signed an agreement on strategic cooperation. Two years later, a special bilateral commission was established to organize annual visits of the heads of state, as well as regular consultations of foreign ministers. Since that time, news about France began to appear more often in Kazakhstani media and became more and more interesting to ordinary citizens.
In 2017, the countries celebrated 25 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations. In honor of this event, France took part in the EXPO 2017 event, which was held in Astana. Today, there are a number of agreements between the states on cooperation in aerospace development and pharmaceutical production. In addition, the exchange of cultural heritage and educational programs is intensifying. Joint research institutes make a huge contribution to the science of both countries. Programs on mutual popularization of the languages of the partner states are worthy of special attention. For this purpose, specialized training centers are opened.
The Republic of Kazakhstan remains France's largest economic partner in the Central Asian region. This is one of the reasons for the high investment activity of the states. Thus, the European side ranks third in terms of the volume of investments in the economy of Kazakhstan. The second weighty argument in favor of foreign investments is favorable conditions of state programs and great potential for the development of the country as a whole. Besides, such French enterprises as Renault, Peugeot, Alstom, Saint-Gobain, Engie, etc. operate in Kazakhstan.
Mainly European companies are engaged in production activities in construction, aviation, hydrocarbon, uranium, railroad and agro-industrial spheres. In 2024, the development of relations between the countries continues, as evidenced by the growing trade turnover.

News today in France from The Qazaqstan Monitor

Knowing the balance of power in the world arena, it is much easier to plan your own business, travel and other important tasks. News today in France is increasingly influencing the events and political course in Kazakhstan, so it's important for our readers to follow the latest news. The Qazaqstan Monitor publishes only reliable materials written by professional journalists. All information comes exclusively from reliable sources. We closely follow the Kazakh-French diplomatic relations and promptly inform you about the most important events!