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  3. Kazakh Energy Ministry Drafts Agreement on Hydropower Plant in Kyrgyz Republic
Astana, Kazakhstan • 16 April, 2024 | 12:38
1 min read

Kazakh Energy Ministry Drafts Agreement on Hydropower Plant in Kyrgyz Republic

Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and the Kyrgyz Republic will establish a JSC for the construction of an 1860 MW power plant

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American Public Power Association
American Public Power Association

The governments of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and the Kyrgyz Republic intend to sign an agreement on the construction of the Kambarata 1 Hydropower Plant, QazMonitor reports.

What happened: On April 12, the Ministry of Energy published a draft agreement on the Open Legalacts Portal regarding the main principles of cooperation between the parties for the construction and exploitation of the Kambarata 1 Hydropower Plant on the Naryn River in the Kyrgyz Republic.

Agreement: The document provides for the establishment of a joint stock company on the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic per local legislation. The equity participation in the capital of JSC is proposed to be set as follows – Kyrgyz party at 34%, Kazakh party at 33%, and Uzbek party at 33%.

  • The plant will operate taking into account the water pass volumes agreed upon by the parties

  • The parties will select organizations for guaranteed purchase of the entire amount of electricity generated at the plant

  • The parties shall consider problems on a consensual basis

  • Following the implementation of the project, the shares and assets of the Kambarata 1 Hydropower Plant will be fully owned by the Kyrgyz party

The draft is open for discussion until April 26.

Hydropower Plant: The plant’s capacity is projected at 1860 MW. The Kambarata 1 reservoir will have a volume of 5.4 billion cubic meters and a 256-meter-high dam. The plant will produce an average of 5.6 billion kWh of electricity annually.

  • Initially, the estimated construction time for the plant was 10 years, and 4 years for commissioning the first hydropower unit. The draft notes that the project implementation period will be determined and agreed upon by the parties in separate agreements or an addendum to the Agreement based on the results of updating and approval of the feasibility study of the project.

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