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  3. MAEC Faces Third Shutdown This Year
Astana, Kazakhstan • 14 August, 2023 | 10:19
1 min read

MAEC Faces Third Shutdown This Year

Now, with the shutdown of power units 1 and 3, consumers in the region will experience periodic blackouts

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On August 13, the Kazakhstan Electricity Grid Operating Company (KEGOC) issued partial restrictions on power consumption in the Mangystau region due to a power failure at the Mangystau Atomic Energy Complex (MAEC), QazMonitor reports.

On August 11, at 3:25 p.m., power unit №3 had a power failure, leading to the subsequent shutdown of power unit №1. In order to provide power to the settlements in the region, the emergency headquarters decided to implement cyclic shutdowns from the power grid for three to five hours, aiming to limit the amount of energy consumed.

This measure will remain in effect until the issue is resolved. Additionally, industrial facilities in the region will also face limitations in order to prioritize power supply for household consumers.

This marks the third shutdown at the power facility this year, occurring just a month after the previous incident.

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