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  3. MAEC Concludes Second Repair This Month
Astana, Kazakhstan • 11 July, 2023 | 16:48
1 min read

MAEC Concludes Second Repair This Month

Currently, the complex operates at the 565 MW capacity

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On July 9 at 4:11 a.m., the Mangystau Atomic Energy Complex (MAEC) reported that repeat repair of the power unit №1 had been completed, and at 3:25 p.m., it started operating at a capacity of 150 MW, QazMonitor reports citing the company's press service.

Currently, the complex generates 565 MW, supplying the Mangystau region and redirecting 36 MW to the Atyrau region.

The company currently reports no restrictions on the supply of energy resources to household consumers in Aktau and other settlements in the region.

Earlier, on July 3, power unit №1 experienced an emergency shutdown, resulting in a sudden energy loss across the Western power grid. The repair process for power unit №1 commenced on July 5 and ended the following day. However, on July 7, the company reported another emergency shutdown of the unit.

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