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  3. Demand for Domestic Resorts Increases Fivefold
Astana, Kazakhstan • 29 June, 2023 | 09:54
1 min read

Demand for Domestic Resorts Increases Fivefold

The shores of Alakol, Balkhash, and Zaysan have attracted a large number of domestic tourists this summer

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The resorts on the shores of Alakol, Balkhash, and Zaysan lakes have experienced a fivefold increase in demand since the beginning of the summer, QazMonitor reports citing the tourism industry committee.

There is a significant interest among domestic tourists in resort areas and beach resorts in the east of Kazakhstan, specifically Usharal, Balkhash, Zaysan, and Urzhar. This surge can be attributed to the resumption of full operations at Urzhar and Usharal airports following the completion of runway repairs at both facilities.

Furthermore, among the destinations that have experienced increased demand in the summer season, Aktobe and Turkistan stand out prominently. These two cities have witnessed a remarkable 40% surge in tourist interest this year.

Moldir Abdualiyeva, the official representative of the ministry of culture and sport, said that the government is implementing various programs to promote domestic tourism and considers it as important as foreign tourism.

“For example, the Kids Go Free program allows for effective planning of family vacations in the country and saves money. By purchasing travel packages through tour operators, our compatriots can save up to 30%," said Abdualiyeva.

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