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  3. Pink Flamingos Return to Kazakhstan During Spring Migration
Astana, Kazakhstan • 14 March, 2023 | 14:27
1 min read

Pink Flamingos Return to Kazakhstan During Spring Migration

The birds are on their way back to the Korgalzhyn Nature Reserve

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Azamat Sarsenbayev, a blogger from the Mangystau region, shared footage of pink flamingos taking a rest along the shores of the Caspian Sea during the migration back to Kazakhstan, QazMonitor reports.

On his channel, Sarsenbayev noted that the first flamingos arrived earlier than usual in late January. Throughout February, the blogger has been posting several videos about migratory birds returning to the country due to warmer temperatures.

“Watching soaring flamingos is a real treat for the eyes. Their sheer beauty just leaves an unforgettable impression,” remarked Sarsenbayev.

In the Mangystau region, various migratory birds, pink flamingos included, will take a brief rest before flying northeast to the Korgalzhyn Nature Reserve.

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