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  3. ​​7 Kazakh Travel Bloggers To Make You Step Out Of Comfort Zone
Astana, Kazakhstan • 20 May, 2023 | 21:08
3 min read

​​7 Kazakh Travel Bloggers To Make You Step Out Of Comfort Zone

A list of top travel creators to guide you through breathtaking destinations of the Kazakh steppe and beyond

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Instagram: @zhuldyz_rakhmet @adilet_rakhmetolla
Instagram: @zhuldyz_rakhmet @adilet_rakhmetolla

Kazakhstan’s unique nature is among world’s most undiscovered gems, even for local residents. The country was recognized as the trending destination for tourists from Middle East at the Arabian Travel Market 2023 in Dubai. The tourism sector is hands down gaining momentum, and it is on the rise like never before. If untouched beauty of the steppe sounds intriguing, but you still doubting, these Kazakh bloggers will help you to make steps towards morphing those aspirations into reality. At least through the screen.

QazMonitor presents a list of 7 trendiest travel bloggers that unveil the hidden gems of Kazakhstan and beyond.

Aibek Yerken

Initially Aibek got interested in photography during the lockdown. Later his desire to capture the vastness of our landscapes led him to broaden the horizons travel-wise. He is on constant search for the perfect location. From Mangystau region to East Kazakhstan, from carpet-like poppy fields to magnificent lotus landscapes — using his stunning visuals, Aibek shares with his followers where to travel within our country.

Zhuldyz Rakhmet

Zhuldyz has solid neo-nomadic background: she traveled each and every highway of our state, hosted a TV show, and participated in numerous 4x4 Jeep tours. She won her followers’ hearts by fearlessly winning a mountain top of the Aktolagay and Boszhira plateus without any safety equipment. If you need first-hand tips from traveling on a shoestring budget to vacaying on high-profile resorts of Kazakhstan, Zhuldyz is go-to source.

Danat Aliyev

If you are the one who suffers from wanderlust, head on over to Danat’s blog. He covered 6 continents including a wide range of destinations: endured harsh Arctic environment, conquered rainbow mountain in Peru, hanged out with penguins in Cape Town and it’s only the beginning. At the same time he is not a stranger to Kazakh steppes. He shares unique personal experiences, tells you how to recover from aerophobia and teaches you travel mindfulness. 

Mukhabbat and Asset Murzabayev

Asset and Mukhabbat shares unique perspective and offers detailed info on traveling with kids on board. They are fiercely breaking stereotypes showing everyone they have time of their lives traveling with a baby. So far the couple has lived in several countries, traveled around the world and nowhere close to stopping. They’ll guide you through taxes, accommodation and best restaurants one mile at a time.

Dmitriy Dotsenko

Dmitriy is a multi-faceted and well-versed photo enthusiast, rather than just a blogger. His account has grown so popular due to his impressive photographs of the Almaty region’s undisclosed, secret gems. Also, the full moon pictures over Hotel Kazakhstan and the city in night fog became his trademarks and staples. The best way to get to know Kazakh sights is through Dmitriy’s lens.

Adilet Rakhmetolla

Adilet is a master of visual storytelling. His viral video ‘Merke Qazaqstan’ hit nearly 19 million views on his page. If you haven’t already gotten a fill of extreme adventures, Adilet’s mountainbiking on Boszhira plateus would definitely electrify your itch to come to Kazakhstan.

Aibar Toleubekov

Aibar unveils some secret destinations and has a handful of info to share. The blogger’s intention is to show the world that Kazakhstan is a country blessed with all kinds of natural wonders. But if you are too cautious about coming, Aibar’s blog will at least help you level up your visual skills, which could be your potential daily dose of all things travel.

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