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  3. Will Traveling to Bali Become More Complicated for Kazakh Tourists?
Astana, Kazakhstan • 10 May, 2023 | 15:55
1 min read

Will Traveling to Bali Become More Complicated for Kazakh Tourists?

Local provincial bodies want to introduce visit quotas for foreign tourists

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Travel Daily Media
Travel Daily Media

The governor of the Bali province in Indonesia I Wayan Koster announced plans to introduce visit quotas for foreign tourists traveling to the island, QazMonitor reports citing DetikBali.

As a countermeasure to deal with an increasing number of rule violations, the local administrative bodies may require foreign tourists to plan their trip a year in advance and get placed on a waiting list. Since the beginning of the year, over 100 foreigners have already been deported from the island due to the violation of local rules.

"If there is a quota, people will have to wait in line. Those who want to come next year will have to register right now. That is the system we want to introduce," explained Koster.

The Indonesian Hotel and Restaurant Association is currently discussing the measure.

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