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  3. 3 Stunning Places in Eastern Kazakhstan for Experienced Adventure Tourists
Astana, Kazakhstan • 31 March, 2023 | 15:17
3 min read

3 Stunning Places in Eastern Kazakhstan for Experienced Adventure Tourists

Destinations where travelers can explore the peaky Altai and Martian-esque landscapes

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The East Kazakhstan region boasts beautiful evergreen pine valleys and scarlet heaths, set against the backdrop of stunning views at the Altai and Tian-Shan mountain ranges. QazMonitor made a short list of 3 travel points in the region, which offer mesmerizing contrasts.

NOTE: all of the destination points are far away from most settlements and are intended for exploring by experienced tourists only.

Kiin-Kerish tract

Not far from the calm waters of the ancient Lake Zaysan lies an eternal flame raging in the lifeless desert – the striking vista of the Kiin-Kerish tract and its colorful clay ravines.

This ethereal landscape carries the history of days long past as it was formed during the Mesozoic Era in a once humid tropical climate. A long time ago it was thought to be the entrance to the underworld, the place where hellfire erupted from beneath the ground and scorched the land, turning it to stone.

How to get there:

From the city of Oskemen along the R-157 highway to the R-137 highway, followed by the R-137 ferry across the Irtysh River to the village of Kurchum. NOTE: It is strongly advised to hire local guides and resupply at the village as there will be no further opportunities. After the village, proceed along the R-147 until you see the tract.

Zeinulla mausoleum

Near the village of Zhalshy, a sea of lush grass rests against the blue dome of the sky, and a lonely scarlet red structure looms on the horizon. It is the resting place of Zeinulla bi, a local judge who once settled local disputes.

It's hard to tell what architectural style the building is from either a distance or a close-up. The creators seem to have drawn inspiration from many different sources, with moon crescents topping a solitary shape that could remind someone of either Orthodox churches or Buddhist temples.

How to get there:

From the city of Oskemen along the R-157 highway to the R-137 highway, followed by the R-137 ferry across the Irtysh River, then along the R-147, R-164, and M-38 routes to the village of Shilikti and along the country road to Zhalshy. It is strongly advised to hire local guides for assistance.

Kazakh Altai

The Altai mountains are believed to be the ancestral homeland of all Turkic and Mongol people. A place of breathtaking views where the sky seems to be resting on the mountains' shoulders.

Kokkol waterfall

The waters of Kokkol plummet down with a deafening roar that can be heard well beyond. On a sunny day, the water dust rises over the falls shimmering with all the rainbow colors. This breathtaking sight adds a unique charm to this secluded corner of the world surrounded by towering cedar and spruce trees.

Belukha mountain

The highest peak of the entire mountain range, the snow-covered silhouette of Belukha against the background of the surrounding lush greenery leaves an indelible impression.

It is a sacred place in both Tengrism and Buddhism, as the summit is considered to be the abode of the fertility goddess Umay, and local Buddhists once believed that the mountain was the center of the universe, venerating its icy visage.

How to get there:

NOTE: It is strongly advised to hire professional guides or go on a group tour as life-threatening events such as landslides and avalanches are possible in the region.

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