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  3. 50,000 Tourists Visited Charyn National Park in 2022
Astana, Kazakhstan • 27 November, 2022 | 21:03
1 min read

50,000 Tourists Visited Charyn National Park in 2022

This shows a 17% increase compared to 2021

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According to Kazakhstan’s Deputy Minister of Ecology Aliya Shalabekova, the Charyn National Park was visited by almost 50 thousand tourists since the beginning of 2022, QazMonitor reports citing the Central Communications Service.

The deputy minister recently met with the residents of the Uighur district near the Almaty region to report on the data collected on tourist activity as well as talk about issues related to the development of specially protected natural territories in the region.

Currently, there are 5 protected areas in the Almaty region: Charyn, Kholsai-Kolderi, Ile-Alatau national parks, the Almaty Reserve, and the Ile-Balkhash reserve.

The territory of Charyn National Park, founded in 2004, is about 127 thousand hectares. In 2018, it was included in the list of international biosphere reserves by UNESCO.

The post-pandemic recovery is displaying steady improvement as the 2022 figure shows a 17% increase in visitors compared to 2021, which totaled 35 thousand.

As part of the development of the national park, the residents of the Uighur district were particularly interested in issues of water supply, grazing, and illegal logging.

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