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US: The Latest News

News about the United States

The United States of America is a crucial economic and political partner of Kazakhstan. In 1991, the United States was among the first countries to recognize Kazakhstan's independence. The following year, the first American embassy opened in Almaty. Coincidentally, Nursultan Nazarbayev made his inaugural official visit to the United States as president of an independent state. During this trip, representatives from both sides signed a number of significant documents, including agreements aimed at simplifying trade relations, encouraging capital investment, and protecting against double taxation.
This legislative framework provided the foundation for a robust, multi-year cooperation that continues to flourish today. This is precisely why news about the United States is of such keen interest to our readers. 

All the Latest News about the U.S

For the first two decades of cooperation, the U.S. played a key role in assisting Kazakhstan with safe nuclear disarmament, including the decommissioning of launch sites and test tunnels. This initiative was a collaborative effort, with the U.S. government providing substantial financial contributions alongside other international partners. Today, Kazakhstan is actively implementing the Global Nuclear Security (GNS) program, a critical step towards utilizing nuclear energy solely for peaceful purposes.
Trade occupies a prominent position in the relationship between the two countries. Kazakhstan ranks among the top 100 largest trading partners of the United States, with an annual trade turnover exceeding $2.5 billion. The U.S. government also prioritizes investment and collaborates with Kazakhstani representatives to create a more attractive environment for foreign businesses. To this end, the U.S. assists Kazakhstan in modernizing its legislative framework, fostering democratic principles, and countering terrorist threats.
The majority of U.S. investments are directed towards Kazakhstani enterprises operating in the oil and gas, energy, and telecommunications sectors. Additionally, the United States actively invests in developing the Republic's scientific, professional, and technical expertise. This exchange of experiences is mutually beneficial, fostering trust and accelerating progress. The current relationship between the two countries has reached the level of an Extended Strategic Partnership (ESP), a positive signal that can attract potential investors from around the globe.

News Today: USA and Kazakhstan

The Qazaqstan Monitor information portal provides reliable news related to international cooperation between Kazakhstan and the United States. The countries continue to develop joint projects, increase trade and investment turnover, all of which have a positive impact on the development of both nations. On The Qazaqstan Monitor website, you will find the latest news about the USA, American initiatives in Kazakhstan, and developments in the global arena. Our articles are prepared exclusively by verified sources, experienced journalists, and qualified experts.