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  3. Snow Leopard Released into Wild After Rehabilitation at Almaty Zoo
Astana, Kazakhstan • 18 July, 2023 | 15:41
1 min read

Snow Leopard Released into Wild After Rehabilitation at Almaty Zoo

The feline was brought to veterinary care after being discovered in an emaciated state near a settlement

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Almaty Zoo
Almaty Zoo

On July 15, a wild snow leopard that had been rescued in the Almaty region earlier this year was released into its natural habitat after being rehabilitated by specialists at the Almaty Zoo, QazMonitor reports.

The zoo shared an Instagram video showing the Forestry and Wildlife Committee, the Institute of Zoology, and Almaty Zoo specialists transporting the sedated animal to Ile-Alatau National Park, where the leopard will readjust to the wildlife.

"Before the leopard's release, veterinarians conducted examinations, measurements, and controlled weighing. It was discovered that during its stay in the zoo, the leopard had grown a little and gained over 8 kilograms in weight. The leopard is healthy and ready for release into the wild. To minimize the animal's stress, the examination and transportation of such animals are carried out with the use of sedation (anesthesia), and a veterinarian monitors the animal's condition during transportation," added the zoo.

Since the snow leopard is a threatened species, classified as vulnerable by the International Union for Conservation of Nature, the leopard's collar was equipped with a satellite transmitter so that scientists can track its movements in the wildlife.

Earlier, on April 20, the emaciated male snow leopard was brought to veterinary care at the Almaty Zoo after being discovered by a shepherd near the village of Sarybastau in the Almaty region.

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