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  3. Polar Bear Cub from Rostov to Start New Life in Almaty Zoo
Astana, Kazakhstan • 15 November, 2022 | 17:04
1 min read

Polar Bear Cub from Rostov to Start New Life in Almaty Zoo

Aika is the first polar bear cub in 32 years to be born at the local zoo

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Rostov Zoo/Vkontakte
Rostov Zoo/Vkontakte

Two-year-old polar bear cub Aika from the Rostov-on-Don Zoo is coming to Almaty Zoo, QazMonitor reports citing Orda.

Aika was born to a polar bear couple, Kometa and Aion, who had come to Rostov from Izhevsk and the Czech Republic. She is the first polar bear cub in 32 years to be born at the local zoo.

"This month our bear cub Aika turn 2 years old, which means we will soon have to part with her,” wrote the Rostov Zoo on their social media page.

Polar bears are solitary by nature. In the wild, the bear cub stays with her mother until she is about a year and a half to two years old, then she goes off on her own.

“Very soon Aika will start her adult life in the zoo in Almaty, Kazakhstan.”

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