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  3. British Company to Invest in Radiopharmaceuticals Production in Almaty
Astana, Kazakhstan • 01 July, 2023 | 12:59
1 min read

British Company to Invest in Radiopharmaceuticals Production in Almaty

The Institute of Nuclear Physics in Almaty accounts for 90% of all radiopharmaceuticals produced in Kazakhstan

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On June 29, the British company Ostro Minerals signed an agreement with the Institute of Nuclear Physics in Almaty to invest in the institute's radiopharmaceuticals research, QazMonitor reports citing the ministry of energy.

Almassadam Satkaliyev, the minister of energy, held a meeting with Maurice Samuel Ostro, the chair of Ostro Minerals, who expressed interest in the production of radioactive isotopes for industrial and medical purposes by the Institute of Nuclear Physics.

This meeting is part of a series of negotiations aimed at attracting investment for the institute's research. The objective is to expand its production of industrial and medical radioisotopes and increase exports to European countries.

Currently, the institute produces radiopharmaceuticals for the diagnosis and treatment of cancer, as well as radioisotopes for industrial use. It accounts for 90% of the total volume of radiopharmaceuticals produced in Kazakhstan and supplied to medical institutions within the country. In 2022, the institute made its first delivery of products to Germany.

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