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  3. Movies in Kazakh to Constitute 30% of Local Distribution by 2030
Astana, Kazakhstan • 24 May, 2023 | 16:10
1 min read

Movies in Kazakh to Constitute 30% of Local Distribution by 2030

Minister of culture and sports shared plans for changes in domestic film distribution

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Kazakh minister of culture and sport Askhat Oralov announced plans to develop a unified automated information system for film monitoring, QazMonitor reports citing the minister’s Telegram channel.

"In order to organize cinema production and distribution in the country we are working on the creation of a unified automated information system of film monitoring which will provide information about attendance, box office receipts, and other statistical data in real-time", said Oralov on Telegram, presenting the Concept of cultural policy of Kazakhstan for the next 7 years.

The minister also announced that the current Law "On cinematography" will be amended addressing such issues as the promotion and distribution of state-sponsored films, the transfer of exclusive rights from the ministry of culture and sport to the producer of the film will be worked out.

"Considering these measures, by 2030, we aim to increase the share of local films in the Kazakh film distribution up to 35%, the share of films in Kazakh - up to 30%," said Oralov.

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