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  3. UNESCAP's 79th Session Backs Opening Regional Digital Solutions Center in Kazakhstan
Astana, Kazakhstan • 18 May, 2023 | 17:27
1 min read

UNESCAP's 79th Session Backs Opening Regional Digital Solutions Center in Kazakhstan

62 countries supported the initiative to establish a joint digital cooperation center

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During the 79th session of the UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) in Thailand, 62 participating countries supported Kazakhstan's initiative to create the UN Digital Solutions Center for Sustainable Development in Central Asia, QazMonitor reports citing the ministry of digital development, innovations, and aerospace industry.

From May 15 to May 19, the capital of Thailand Bangkok is hosting the annual session of ESCAP dedicated to addressing climate change under the theme of "Accelerating Climate Action in Asia and the Pacific for Sustainable Development".

The Digital Solutions Center will play a significant role in promoting digital cooperation and inclusiveness, as its implementation will enable the region's countries to combine their efforts and promptly respond to external challenges in the global digital space. Moreover, this collaborative work will foster the creation of export-oriented innovation projects under the Central Asian brand.

In the fall of 2024, Astana will host the ESCAP digital conference at the ministerial level, focusing on digital technologies dedicated to the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals and regional technological initiatives. The conference will also facilitate discussions on the implementation of the Asia-Pacific Information Superhighway Platform.

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