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  3. Deals Worth $2.5B Signed at Uzbek–Kazakh Business Forum in Tashkent
Astana, Kazakhstan • 26 December, 2022 | 12:16
1 min read

Deals Worth $2.5B Signed at Uzbek–Kazakh Business Forum in Tashkent

Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan will cooperate in railroad services, food export, AI, and more

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Ministry of Trade and Integration of Kazakhstan
Ministry of Trade and Integration of Kazakhstan

Forty investment and trade deals worth $2.5 billion have been signed between Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan at the inter-regional Uzbek-Kazakh business forum held in Tashkent on December 21, QazMonitor reports citing the ministry of trade and integration.

The forum was attended by over 400 delegates from both sides.

One of the contracts was between Kazakh company Temirzhol Jondeu LLP and Uzbekistan Temir Yollari. They agreed to deliver railroad repair services on the Angren–Pap–Kokand–Andijan–Savay section. The contractual obligations will amount to over $80 million.

Other notable agreements were on the introduction of artificial intelligence in the health sector of Uzbekistan as well as the export of aluminum rods, flour, apple juices, and spices by Kazakh companies.

Currently, there are more than 1,400 enterprises operating in Kazakhstan with the participation of the Uzbek capital and more than 400 joint Kazakh-Uzbek companies in trade, professional and scientific activity, construction, transport, warehousing, and other spheres.

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