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Trade: The Latest News

Trade in Kazakhstan: an engine of economic growth and global connectivity

Located at the crossroads of Europe and Asia, Kazakhstan is an important player in international trade. The country's rich natural resources, combined with strategic initiatives and partnerships, make it a center of trade and economic growth in the region.

Our website contains up-to-date news about trade that will be interesting to read for ordinary citizens, economists and financiers. We have taken care of quality content so that our readers can follow the country's economic development online.  

Main export sectors and industries

Kazakhstan's economy relies heavily on abundant natural resources, so oil and gas are the main commodities traded. The country is also a major exporter of minerals such as uranium, coal and iron ore. 

In addition, agriculture also plays a significant role in Kazakhstan's trade, with wheat, barley and other grains being the main export commodities.

In recent years, Kazakhstan has focused on diversifying its economy and expanding trade in manufactured goods. The country has made significant progress in developing the automotive, engineering and chemical industries, attracting foreign investment and developing international trade partnerships.

Trade partnerships and initiatives

Kazakhstan actively participates in various international trade organizations and initiatives aimed at strengthening economic ties and developing trade. The country is a member of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), which promotes free trade between member countries.

Kazakhstan has also established strong bilateral trade relations with key partners such as China, Russia and the European Union. The country's strategic location along the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has further strengthened its trade potential, and Kazakhstan serves as a crucial transit hub for goods between Asia and Europe.

Trade in different cities of Kazakhstan

  • Almaty. As the largest city and capital, city is an important commercial and financial center of the country. The city attracts local and international companies with its developed infrastructure, skilled workforce and favorable business climate. It is Almaty that serves as a center for various industries and is a key trade center for consumer goods.
  • Astana. It is a dynamic business center that attracts foreign investment and promotes innovative industries. The city serves as a venue for international trade events and exhibitions and plays an important role in trade in services, especially in finance, telecommunications and transportation.
  • Aktau. Located on the coast of the Caspian Sea, the city is a major center of energy and maritime trade. It serves as a key seaport for the export of oil, gas and other commodities, and plays an important role in the development of Kazakhstan's oil and gas industry, attracting investment and facilitating trade in related services and equipment.
  • Shymkent. Due to its southern location, it is a major commercial and industrial center known for its developed chemical, textile and food industries. The city serves as a key transport hub connecting Kazakhstan with neighboring countries in Central Asia, so it plays an extremely important role in agricultural trade.

News about trade in Kazakhstan

Regular updates on this topic can be found under the “Trade” category on the QazMonitor website. These articles are essential for a wide audience, including everyday readers, entrepreneurs, and economic experts. Our commitment is to deliver only reliable information, substantiated with references to the original sources. By visiting QazMonitor, you're assured to access the latest economic developments in Kazakhstan, keeping you well-informed about the current happenings.