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  3. Air Astana to Operate Two Flights on Almaty-Chengdu Route
Astana, Kazakhstan • 01 July, 2022 | 08:57
1 min read

Air Astana to Operate Two Flights on Almaty-Chengdu Route

China Southern Airlines plans to resume flights to Almaty-Urumqi

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From July 1, Air Astana will operate two direct flights to China, Tengritravel reports.

For the first time since 2020, the Kazakh airline will resume regular passenger flights on the Almaty - Chengdu route with the frequency of one flight a week on Fridays. From July 7, an additional flight on Fridays will be added. 

Also starting from July 1, China Southern Airlines plans to resume regular passenger flights on the route Almaty - Urumqi with the frequency of one flight a week on Fridays. 

The resumption of air travel between Kazakhstan and China promises to accelerate the development of trade and economic, investment, tourism and cultural cooperation between the two friendly countries, as well as contribute to the full usage of the 14-day visa-free regime for Chinese citizens.

The flights will be operated in accordance with the strict sanitary-epidemiological requirements published on the website of the airlines. 

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