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  3. Astana International Airport Limits Flight Operations Until December 24
Astana, Kazakhstan • 02 May, 2024 | 14:49
1 min read

Astana International Airport Limits Flight Operations Until December 24

This measure is related to the overhaul of the runway

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Ruslan Pryanikov
Ruslan Pryanikov

From May 1 to December 24, due to the overhaul of the runway at Astana International Airport, the airfield will be closed for aircraft arrival and departure from 10:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. local time, QazMonitor reports citing the press service of Astana International Airport (AIA).

The AIA informed that the schedule of certain flights operating to and from Astana will be changed.

“Please be aware that this may result in changes to the schedules of certain airline flights operating from/to Astana. We recommend that you contact your airline carriers for up-to-date information on your flight,”

states the message on the airport’s website.

The airport administration asks passengers to adjust their travel dates in advance and use all available sources of information, such as airline information services, airport applications and services, and notifications sent by airlines.

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