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Astana, Kazakhstan • 04 July, 2023 | 16:01
1 min read

Glamping Gains Momentum All Across Kazakhstan

The number of glamping campgrounds has grown from 28 last year to 38 in 2023


In recent years, both local holidaymakers and businesses have embraced the idea of amenity tourism, leading to an increase in the number of glamping campgrounds from 28 last year to 38 in 2023 across eight regions of Kazakhstan, QazMonitor reports citing the Telegram channel of the ministry of culture and sport.

Glamping is a portmanteau term combining 'glamorous' and 'camping', referring to a resort-style camping experience that provides visitors with hotel rooms and appropriate services. Currently, glamping is gaining momentum both globally and in Kazakhstan, as the construction of such campgrounds proves to be an affordable and effective business project for entrepreneurs.

"Last year, approximately 1 million foreign tourists visited Kazakhstan. This year, that figure is expected to rise up to 1.4 million. Foreigners primarily choose to vacation in nature and resort areas. Therefore, the construction of glamping grounds presents an opportunity to further increase the tourist attractiveness of our country, following global trends," said Yerzhan Yerkinbayev, the vice minister of culture and sport.

Currently, there is a glamping site under construction in the Almaty region, and two more at the Imantau-Shalkar resort area in the North Kazakhstan region, which are expected to accommodate 110 visitors each.

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