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  3. Uzbek Lowcoster Launches More Flights Between Almaty and Tashkent
Astana, Kazakhstan • 07 June, 2023 | 10:10
1 min read

Uzbek Lowcoster Launches More Flights Between Almaty and Tashkent

Centrum Air will operate the flights three days a week

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Unsplash/Sultonbek Ikromov
Unsplash/Sultonbek Ikromov

Kazakh and Uzbek aviation authorities have negotiated to launch additional flights on the Almaty-Tashkent route starting June 5, QazMonitor reports citing the civil aviation committee.

The Uzbek low-cost carrier My Freighter (Centrum Air), will operate these flights three times a week, on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, utilizing A-320 aircraft.

The increased frequency of flights between Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan is expected to foster further development in trade, economic, tourism, and cultural cooperation between the two countries. In addition to that, it will promote competition and potentially reduce the cost of air tickets.

My Freighter was established in 2020 in Tashkent and initially operated as a cargo carrier but expanded its services to include passenger flights in February 2023 under the Centrum Air brand name. At present, the airline possesses a fleet of five aircraft, comprising Airbus A319, Airbus A320, and Boeing 747 models.

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