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  3. Kazakh Lowcoster to Launch Direct Flights from Astana to Tashkent
Astana, Kazakhstan • 02 May, 2023 | 20:05
less than 1 min read

Kazakh Lowcoster to Launch Direct Flights from Astana to Tashkent

FlyArystan announced biweekly flights starting this summer

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FlyArystan will launch flights from Astana to Tashkent, QazMonitor reports citing the airline.

"Starting on July 3, we will begin to carry out direct flights between Astana and Tashkent. The flights will be operated on comfortable Airbus A320 on Mondays and Wednesdays," the company announced.

The ticket price starts at 21,800 tenge. 

Earlier, FlyArystan announced the launch of direct flights from Shymkent to Delhi.

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