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Astana: The Latest News

Astana: the jewel of the steppe

Cradled in the bosom of the Kazakh steppe, stands Astana, a testimony of post-independence craft and transformation for the nation of Kazakhstan. The skyline of this city, with its ambitious urban projects, has become synonymous with this country's forward-looking ethos and its commitment to carving a significant niche on the global stage. This is the very Astana news section of QazMonitor, where we tell in detail about the recent events and the scope of the vibrant life of the city of Astana.

What Astana news coverage you can find here

On our website, we take a responsible approach to selecting news for readers. This section of the site presents such news on the topic of Astana: 

  • Politics. Legislative innovations, new laws and restrictions for legal entities and individuals, elections, and international relations affecting the Kazakh capital city and more;
  • Economy. Banking system, financing, budget summaries, news for business development, taxes, currency market trends, cryptocurrencies;
  • Medicine. The latest Astana news reports on the epidemic situation of coronavirus and other diseases in the city and the region. Here you can also read other health news, statistics and other useful information;
  • Education. Reforms in this area, news for students, applicants and graduates, job search for young professionals in Astana;
  • Nature, ecology, emergencies. The city has a unique climate and natural features. The latest news about Astana in this section covers events related to natural disasters, accidents and weather changes;
  • Culture. Playbill, upcoming events and activities, weekend schedule. Everything interesting from this area is collected here. 

We carefully check the materials before publication to ensure their originality and completeness..

Astana News on QazMonitor

Being in the picture on QazMonitor with all the latest from Astana. All this is presented in this separate section: urbanistic development, cultural events, economic tendencies, international forums, and more. Whether you follow the economic pulse of the city, its architectural marvels, or the rich tapestry of cultural festivities, QazMonitor is your go-to source of information. Unashamedly daring to look toward the future and remembering its past, Astana continues to inspire and innovate. Find out more as we look in detail at some of the stories that make up this city in the heart of modern Kazakhstan.