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  3. New Historical Complex Near Astana Becomes Kazakhstan's Largest Open-Air Museum
Astana, Kazakhstan • 27 April, 2023 | 17:23
1 min read

New Historical Complex Near Astana Becomes Kazakhstan's Largest Open-Air Museum

The innovative museum project is expected to become a tourist landmark

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Ministry of Culture and Sports
Ministry of Culture and Sports

Bozokthe largest open-air museum in Kazakhstan - is currently being constructed on the skirts of Astana, QazMonitor reports. 

The Kazakh Ministry of Culture and Sports announced that they ordered the construction of the Bozok complex, which will cover an area of 412 hectares.  

As of today, the entrance portals – fortress walls of over 7 meters in height – are already under construction on the territory of the museum. The towers at the entrance and the fortress will be paneled with special construction material, produced using historically accurate techniques.

The main purpose of the project is to demonstrate the advanced achievements of the steppe civilization in an open-air museum form. In addition to the ancient Bozok settlement, the reconstruction plans include historical complexes from the Eneolithic to the Middle Ages. The history of the formation of material and spiritual culture will be reflected in each complex: palaces, sanctuaries, houses, metallurgical and pottery furnaces, forges and workshops, handicraft quarters, the medieval market, and petroglyphs.

It is expected that in the future Bozok, as an innovative project, will become a tourist landmark. The historical and cultural project will give impetus to the development of small and medium-sized businesses and the creation of new jobs.

Today's young people are more receptive to information that can be seen and touched. The museum of the new format will allow them fully emerge in the atmosphere of that era, and the life of the people and get acquainted with the advanced culture of steppe civilization. It is evident that in the future this project will be the growth driver of Kazakhstan's tourist brand, which will make a solid contribution to the development of domestic and international tourism.

Saule Burbaeva, Director of the "Bozok” State Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve 
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