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  3. Kazakhstan and Lithuania Plan to Introduce Bilateral Visa-Free Regime
Astana, Kazakhstan • 02 February, 2023 | 21:34
1 min read

Kazakhstan and Lithuania Plan to Introduce Bilateral Visa-Free Regime

The countries discussed improving bilateral tourism via direct flights and special events

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The Kazakh-Lithuanian working group in Vilnius held talks on the issues of bilateral tourism cooperation and the introduction of a visa-free regime between the two countries, QazMonitor reports.

The parties affirmed joint efforts to further strengthen the tourism potential of Kazakhstan and Lithuania.

The Baltic country was visited by 2.5 million tourists in 2021 – a 16% increase when compared to 2020. In turn, Kazakhstan informed the other side that the country’s inbound tourism amounted to about 4.7 million people in 2022.

The Kazakh officials attribute the growth of foreign tourists to comprehensive government measures and the ongoing digitalization of the industry. Kazakhstan operates a unified tourism infosystem eQonaq – an app for tourist registration, migration control and analysis of tourist flow in real-time.

At the end of the meeting, the parties agreed to continue working on the issues of opening direct flights and promoting the tourist potential of the two countries.

There are plans to hold special tourism days to celebrate each other's national cultures – Lithuanian Day in Shymbulak resort near Almaty and Kazakhstan Day in Vilnius.

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