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  3. How Many Tourists Celebrated New Year in Kazakhstan?
Astana, Kazakhstan • 06 January, 2023 | 16:58
1 min read

How Many Tourists Celebrated New Year in Kazakhstan?

Over half of the tourists were from Russia

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While most people greeted the new year at home with family and friends, those with an adventurous streak preferred to start 2023 with a change of scenery. This year, over 23 thousand tourists celebrated the holiday in Kazakhstan, QazMonitor reports citing Tengritravel

According to eQonaq, an information system for tracking tourists, more than 23 thousand tourists were registered in hotels between December 26 and January 4. Nine thousand of them were in Almaty and over 5.1 thousand were in Astana. 

About 15 thousand tourists came from Russia. Other travelers arrived from Uzbekistan, India, China, Turkiye, Germany, and Great Britain. 

What is most interesting—Aktobe, Pavlodar, and North Kazakhstan welcomed the highest numbers of guests, says Kazakh Tourism.

Earlier, QazMonitor published an updated list of countries that have visa-free travel policy with Kazakhstan. 

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