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  3. 21-Year-Old Becomes First Kazakh Woman to Be Certified Apple Trainer
Astana, Kazakhstan • 23 August, 2022 | 10:12
1 min read

21-Year-Old Becomes First Kazakh Woman to Be Certified Apple Trainer

There are only seven teachers in Swift programming in Kazakhstan

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MobyDev Academy
MobyDev Academy

21-year-old Benazir Toleubekova has become the first woman from Kazakhstan to get certified to teach Swift programming by Apple, Qazmonitor reports.

According to MobyDev Academy, where Toleubekova works as a teacher of basic iOS programming, there are only 7 people, including her, in Kazakhstan with the Apple certification.

Apple created the Swift programming language to develop its signature software programs - macOS, iOS, iPadOS, watchOS, and tvOS. The language is also available for Windows and Linux.

Toleubekova graduated from the Beijing Institute of Technology in 2021 and developed a mobile app to combat violence against women, which was supported by the UN. She was in programming for six years, during which she has participated in more than 80 hackathons.

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