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  3. Kazakh Schoolchildren Get Ready for Final Stage of World Robotics Olympiad
Astana, Kazakhstan • 20 October, 2022 | 10:24
2 min read

Kazakh Schoolchildren Get Ready for Final Stage of World Robotics Olympiad

Two Kazakh teams will compete with more than 400 teams in Germany

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Two teams from the leading robotics school Robotek will take part in the finals of the World Robot Olympiad international tournament that will be held in Dortmund, Germany, on November 17-19, QazMonitor reports.

Team Cyrex and team AMV have come a long way to represent Kazakhstan at the international level. At the start of their journey, they won the selection in the regional tournament, then the national tournament, and further proved themselves at training camps.

But they have no intention of stopping there. The teams are actively training with coaches to give their best performance in Germany. The team mentors praised their students as being highly disciplined, focused and resilient.

Training lasts for three hours. We set a goal for the training in advance and devote our attention to this task. We evaluate our progress. The kids are willing to practice for more than 3 hours; I really appreciate their diligence and thirst for knowledge.

Sultangazy Dairov, coach of the Cyrex team

Each member plays an important role. In the Cyrex team, Zhanarys Kaparov is the chief programmer. He plans out his moves ahead of writing code. Vagiz Disembaev, the team designer, is fast at calculations and attentive to detail. 

Cyrex is now preparing for the RoboMission Junior High category. They have created a robot that is tasked with putting out a fire in a factory, disposing of chemicals and marking the location of people in a building on a map.


Vladimir Usoltsev coaches Team AMV. Once having competed in the Olympiad himself, he has insider knowledge of the tournament. AMV also consists of Amir Karabayev, a programmer, who writes color-reading algorithms, and Miras Kenes, a constructor, who assembles the robot structure and creates universal mechanisms.

The lineup will participate in the creative category, where athletes have to write a program for a robot that will perform tasks in a range of competitions.

"I have been training at Robotek for five years now; robotics has become more than just a hobby for me. Every training session is intense. We are all preparing for the finals, and I am sure that we can show good results, bring our country to a new level, and just conquer the international arena.

Miras Kenes, member of AMV

The teams will be evaluated by the number of points earned for each task and the time spent. More than 400 teams will participate in the final tournament in Germany. The main rivals of Kazakhstan will be teams from Thailand, Taiwan, Japan and China.

The team’s travel was sponsored by companies such as IT company EPAM and mining and metallurgical company ERG. Travel agency Apelsin Tour took care of the logistical issues. Informational support for the athletes was provided by publications such as WeProject, BLUESCREEN, ER10, and QazMonitor.

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