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  3. CICA Becomes Full-Fledged Organization
Astana, Kazakhstan • 17 October, 2022 | 08:27
1 min read

CICA Becomes Full-Fledged Organization

Member states adopted a number of key documents during the Sixth CICA Summit

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The Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia (CICA) is now a full-fledged organization, QazMonitor reports citing ORTCOM.

During the Sixth CICA Summit held in Astana on October 13, Kazakhstan submitted a document titled the Astana Statement which proposes the transformation of the CICA forum into a full-fledged organization. The document was unanimously approved.

This achievement marks progress in Kazakhstan’s 30-year diplomatic strategy to position itself as a mediator and peacekeeper in the Asian continent. The success of the initiative, proposed by Tokayev during a meeting of CICA foreign ministers last year, will play a huge role in Kazakhstan’s development measures to tackle upcoming challenges. 

Aside from the statement, several more important documents on mutual cooperation were adopted at the summit.

The CICA leaders signed a draft statement on cooperation in security and the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) and the document on the creation of the CICA Foundation.

According to the Kazakh president, the CICA Foundation is "a special mechanism for the identification and implementation of CICA projects and the mobilization of a voluntary fund for future activities of the organization”.

The members also adopted the CICA action plan on the implementation of the UN resolution on counterterrorism. "This is a very important milestone in our achievements,” said Tokayev. He described CICA’s action plan to be one of the highest priorities of the organization in the joint fight against terrorism.

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