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  3. The Capital Has Been Officially Renamed to Astana
Astana, Kazakhstan • 21 September, 2022 | 09:19
1 min read

The Capital Has Been Officially Renamed to Astana

President Tokayev has signed a decree

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President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev has signed a decree renaming the capital of Kazakhstan to Astana, QazMonitor reports. The decree takes effect from the date of its first official publication (September 17, 2022).

Also, the President signed the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Amendments and Additions to the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The document contains provisions on one presidential term of seven years without the right of subsequent re-election. There is also an amendment that establishes the invariability of provisions of the Constitution relating to the term of office of the President and restrictions on his re-election. This rules out the possibility of increasing the multiplicity or term of office of the head of state in the future.

The term of office of the judges of the Constitutional Court now is now eight years with the restriction to be reappointed.

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