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  3. Kazakhstan and Korea to Celebrate 'Year of Cultural Exchange' with Fall Events
Astana, Kazakhstan • 03 August, 2022 | 17:09
2 min read

Kazakhstan and Korea to Celebrate 'Year of Cultural Exchange' with Fall Events

Kazakhstani artists plan to perform in South Korea

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Korean Cultural Center; Glitter Magazine
Korean Cultural Center; Glitter Magazine

Kazakhstan and Korea continue to promote the Year of Mutual Cultural Exchange in the latter half of 2022 with cultural events, including concerts and exhibitions, organized in both countries, Qazmonitor reports with reference to the Kazakh Ministry of Culture and Sports.

Minister of Culture and Sports Dauren Abayev met with the deputies of the National Assembly to discuss the topic of mutual cultural exchange between Kazakhstan and Korea as part of an agreement to commemorate the 30th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the two countries.

"The interest of Kazakhstanis, especially young people, in Korean culture is growing. This was proven by the success of the events organized this year,” said Minister Abayev.

The minister used the K-pop concert “Salem! K-POP Festa” that was held on June 18 in Nur-Sultan’s Central Concert Hall as an example. The show was organized by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism of the Republic of Korea, the Korean Cultural Center in Kazakhstan, and the Korean Foundation for International Cultural Exchange. Tickets were sold out within three hours.

The minister announced plans for Kazakh artists to perform in South Korea, in turn, sometime in the fall.

In addition to musical performances, the cultural exchange events lined up for this year include the exhibition of Korean ink-and-wash paintings by artist Park Daesung that will be held at the National Museum of Kazakhstan in Nur-Sultan from June 24 to August 14. Soprano Jo Sumi will give a concert at Astana Ballet Theater in Nur-Sultan in September.

According to the Minister, this year, Kazakhstan is also celebrating its 90th anniversary of the Republican State Academic Korean Theater of Musical Comedy, which is one of the oldest Korean national theaters in the world, founded in 1932. The theater toured Korea and participated in the Komonare International Theater Festival.

A road-show on the theme "Tourist opportunities in Kazakhstan" is planned on October 15, 2022.

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