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  3. Kazakhstan–Iran: $3 Billion Trade and 14-Day Visa-Free Regime
Astana, Kazakhstan • 26 August, 2022 | 08:57
2 min read

Kazakhstan–Iran: $3 Billion Trade and 14-Day Visa-Free Regime

The outcomes of the official visit of Kassym-Jomart Tokayev to Iran

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On June 19, President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev was in Tehran for an official visit. He co-chaired the joint meeting of high-ranking delegations with his Iranian counterpart Ebrahim Raisi on Sunday morning. 

In the course of the meeting, the parties discussed in detail the state and prospects of development of Kazakh-Iranian relations. The points discussed included strengthening trade and economic cooperation in the fields of transport and logistics, industry and agriculture, as well as the expansion of cultural and humanitarian ties, Akorda reports.

The two presidents signed a joint statement in the meeting, at the conclusion of which ministers, provincial governors and authorities from the two sides signed nine cooperation documents and memoranda of understanding.

The memoranda signify determination to expand relations, the Iranian president said, adding that Tehran and Nur-Sultan can raise the value of annual trade exchanges to $3 billion in the first step, Tasnim News Agency reports.

Regarding the volume of mutual trade, President Tokayev noted during the press-conference that it has achieved 50% in the first quarter of 2022, and the next goal is to increase it.

Today, Iranian companies are successfully working in Kazakhstan in the agricultural sector, including exporting their products abroad. The role of a joint intergovernmental commission in strengthening bilateral economic ties is obvious. We plan to create joint chambers of commerce. In addition, we have introduced a 14-day visa-free regime for citizens of Iran.

Kassym-Jomart Tokayev

“Cooperation with the neighbors in the Caspian Sea has priority for the Islamic Republic of Iran,” President Ebrahim Raisi stated, highlighting the common views of Iran and Kazakhstan about regional and international issues, including about the developments in Afghanistan and the need for the formation of an inclusive government in that country.

I hope that your visit will give a great impetus to the development of trade and economic cooperation, including in the transit-transport, energy, agricultural and tourism sectors.

Ebrahim Raisi

At the end of the meeting, Kazakhstan's head of state invited the President of Iran to visit Kazakhstan in turn.

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