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Astana, Kazakhstan • 03 June, 2022 | 15:30
1 min read

Ministry of Foreign Affairs Proposes Opening TikTok Branch in Kazakhstan

TikTok delegation arrived in Kazakhstan to discuss education and culture

Qazaqstan Monitor: Ministry of Foreign Affairs Proposes Opening TikTok Branch in Kazakhstan

With Kazakhstan bringing 7 million users to TikTok monthly, the ministry proposed the social media company an offer for cooperation, Tengrinews reports.

Learning and promotion on TikTok

Recently, TikTok’s delegation arrived in Kazakhstan to discuss the projects related to education, culture, tourism, and other issues concerned with the platform’s development within the country.

The head manager of TikTok’s agency in East Europe Oleg Sokolov met up with the deputy minister of foreign affairs Almas Aidarov. The platform’s representative stated TikTok intends to strengthen the platform’s cultural and educational content in Kazakhstan, through the promotion of national museums and theatres. 

Not so long ago, the Ministry of Education and Science of the RK launched the #тиктоктаүйренқазақстан project on its official TikTok page. Using the hashtag, creators can post educational content to promote themselves.

In turn, Almas Aidarov suggested considering opening the company’s branch in Kazakhstan. He communicated the ministry’s readiness to provide thorough support for the company’s initiatives in the country.

The meeting resulted in the agreement to strengthen the mutual collaboration.

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