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  3. Civil Aviation Academy to Adopt EU Standards for Flight Engineer Training
Astana, Kazakhstan • 23 April, 2024 | 17:41
less than 1 min read

Civil Aviation Academy to Adopt EU Standards for Flight Engineer Training

The Almaty institution will partner with the Latvian Transport and Telecommunication Institute

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Unsplash/Mike Petrucci
Unsplash/Mike Petrucci

The Civil Aviation Academy in Almaty and the Institute of Transport and Telecommunications (TSI) in Riga, Latvia, have agreed to collaborate on establishing and certifying an EASA Part-147 type training program at the Academy, QazMonitor reports citing the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.

What it means: EASA Part-147 sets the European standard for training and certifying maintenance personnel in aviation. It governs training centers offering programs for category B1 electromechanical engineers and B2 avionics specialists.

  • The Civil Aviation Academy plans to provide professional training for aircraft maintenance engineers following European Aviation Safety Agency standards.

  • After graduation, flight engineers will receive a diploma and a professional category recognized in the EU and other countries.

Expanded cooperation opens new perspectives in aviation education and innovation in Kazakhstan.

stressed Irina Yatskiv, Chairwoman of the Board of TSI.
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