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  3. Floods in Kazakhstan: UAVs Deployed for Supply Delivery to Affected Zones
Astana, Kazakhstan • 23 April, 2024 | 10:16
1 min read

Floods in Kazakhstan: UAVs Deployed for Supply Delivery to Affected Zones

The three deployed drones are capable of making 100 deliveries daily

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Unsplash/Jared Brashier
Unsplash/Jared Brashier

Three UAVs will deliver medical supplies, food, and other emergency supplies to remote and flood-isolated areas in Western Kazakhstan, QazMonitor reports citing the Ministry of Digital and Space.

What happened: On April 22, the Digital Ministry announced that ARC, a US startup specializing in last-mile drone food delivery, contributed three UAVs for relief operations in Kazakhstan. Founded by Kazakhstan natives Assel Tursun and Alibek Yertay, the startup’s team now collaborates with the Ministry for Emergency Situations in Atyrau to distribute supplies to remote areas.

  • Officials opt for drone delivery to reduce risks for emergency responders and volunteers.

  • In addition, they also plan to utilize drones for collecting water samples for analysis.

UAVs: ARC delivered three drones to Kazakhstan from the US. These drones can deliver aid within a 10 km radius, carrying loads of 30-40 kg, and complete up to 100 deliveries per day. Moreover, they can transport microbiological samples from field hospitals to laboratories for testing.

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