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  3. Kazakh President Slams Low Citation Rates of Academic Papers
Astana, Kazakhstan • 12 April, 2024 | 16:34
1 min read

Kazakh President Slams Low Citation Rates of Academic Papers

Tokayev spoke on the development of research and educational institutions in Kazakhstan

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President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev called on the government to enhance domestic academic capabilities, emphasizing issues with the country’s scientific infrastructure and makeup, QazMonitor reports citing Akorda.

What happened: On April 12, the President spoke about the academic research and scientific infrastructure at the meeting of the National Council For Science and Technology in Astana

Staff attrition: Despite recent reforms in science and public education, the Head of State pointed out that qualified staff are shifting from academies to schools and research organizations offering higher salaries. This has led to a situation where only slightly over 40% of specialists hold academic degrees, impacting the quality of education across all levels of higher education.

Citation measure: Tokayev also criticized the country's academic research standards, noting that local researchers' citation rates are extremely low, often not even reaching one percent. Additionally, many universities lack consistent connections with production enterprises. The President instructed the government to create a program aimed at transforming research and educational institutions into strategic centers.

It is necessary to expand the scope of 'grant' term in the Budget Code. Funds for the purchase of equipment necessary for scientific research and the development of its infrastructure should be allocated freely.

said the President.

Deteriorated infrastructure: To improve the country's scientific infrastructure, the Head of State directed the government to construct new campuses for two of the busiest universities, L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University in Astana and Al-Farabi Kazakh National University in Almaty.

  • Earlier, to promote comprehensive development in science and higher education nationwide, Tokayev mandated the establishment of centers of academic excellence at 15 regional universities and 5 pedagogical universities.

  • Moreover, he highlighted the need for effective mechanisms to attract young scientists to regional universities in various regions.

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