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  3. Kazakh-German Agreement Opens Up 60,000 Internships for College Students
Astana, Kazakhstan • 11 April, 2024 | 10:49
1 min read

Kazakh-German Agreement Opens Up 60,000 Internships for College Students

A new memorandum covers technical and vocational education opportunities for Kazakh students and teachers in Germany

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Ministry of Education
Ministry of Education

Students of Kazakh colleges will be able to participate in an exchange program in Germany. This opportunity is initiated by the agreement between NJSC Talap of the Ministry of Education of Kazakhstan and German company FAV Service gGmbH, QazMonitor reports citing the press service of the Ministry of Education.

Technical and vocational education: On April 9, Islyam Sadubekov, Vice-President of NJSC Talap, and Heiko Schüler, head of FAV Service gGmbH signed a memorandum of cooperation at the Kazakh-German forum in Astana titled “Development and training of professional personnel for the future”. The memorandum covers the development of technical and vocational education in Kazakhstan, training in Germany for both teachers and students as part of the academic mobility program, and organizing various training events.

“At the moment, the issue of cooperation with colleges in Thuringia is being considered. After examining their education model and using our academic mobility [program], school graduates and college students will be able to participate in the exchange program,”

said Asset Mukhanbetov, director of the department of technical and vocational education of the Ministry of Education of Kazakhstan.

Internship opportunities: The memorandum opens up prospects for expanding cooperation between educational institutions of both countries. Kazakh students will be able to participate in the dual education program allowing them to intern at any of the 60,000 manufacturing enterprises in Germany. The program will be available for students of state and private colleges.

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