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  3. Almaty Seismic Stations Record Earthquake on China-Kyrgyzstan Border
Astana, Kazakhstan • 06 March, 2024 | 10:15
1 min read

Almaty Seismic Stations Record Earthquake on China-Kyrgyzstan Border

The earthquake sensation reached 2 points in the city proper

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Unsplash/Ilyas Dautov
Unsplash/Ilyas Dautov

On March 6, at 5:09 a.m., the network of seismic stations recorded an earthquake southeast of the city of Almaty, QazMonitor reports citing the National Scientific Center for Seismological Observations and Research.

What happened: A duty operator at the Almaty Central Seismic Observatory registered an MPV magnitude 5.4 earthquake 266 km southeast of the city. The epicenter was situated on the border of the Kyrgyz Republic and China, with the earthquake registering at 2 points of sensitivity in the city.

Context: This earthquake is considered an aftershock of the one that occurred on March 4 at 11:22 a.m., 31 km south of Almaty city, with tremors in the city reaching 5 points on the sensitivity scale.

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