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  3. When to Expect Kazakhstan–Japan Direct Flights?
Astana, Kazakhstan • 29 February, 2024 | 00:30
1 min read

When to Expect Kazakhstan–Japan Direct Flights?

Japanese Ambassador is ready to support the initiative, discussions are ongoing

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Kazakhstan and Japan discussed the resumption of air service between the two countries, as reported by the Civil Aviation Committee.

“Chairman of the Civil Aviation Committee of the Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Kazakhstan Saltanat Tompieva held a meeting with the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to the Republic of Kazakhstan Mr. Jun Yamada. During the meeting the parties discussed the issue of resumption of air service between Kazakhstan and Japan," shared the Committee on its Telegram channel on February 28.

Saltanat Tompieva said that Kazakh airlines are considering the launch of direct flights between the two countries in the first half of 2025. Ambassador Yamada, in turn, informed that he is ready to provide full support in this matter.

Following the meeting, the parties agreed to continue working together to resume air service to expand economic, business, and cultural cooperation between the countries.

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