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  3. Kazakhstan to Extend Ban on Coal and Lignite Exports by Road
Astana, Kazakhstan • 05 October, 2023 | 08:41
1 min read

Kazakhstan to Extend Ban on Coal and Lignite Exports by Road

The ban will take effect starting on November 26

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Ruslan Pryanikov
Ruslan Pryanikov

The Industrial Development Committee plans to implement a six-month ban on the export of specific types of coal via road transport starting on November 26, QazMonitor reports.

The draft law published on the Legal Acts portal outlines the proposed measures as a way to ensure a stable supply of coal to the general public, the communal, and household sectors, and to maintain the country's energy security during the heating season's preparation and duration. This document will extend the existing ban on coal and lignite exports by road transport, which was initially introduced on May 26 of this year.

The following types of coal will be subject to this ban:

  • Pulverized or non-pulverized bituminous coal, including derivatives such as briquettes, pellets, and similar solid fuels, except for agglomerated varieties.

  • Agglomerated or non-agglomerated lignite, with the exception of jet gemstone.

This document will be open for public discussion until October 17.

Previously, it was reported that Kazakhstan produced approximately 61.7 million tons of coal in the past seven months. Out of this total, 36.8 million tons were supplied to the energy sector, while about 3.9 million tons were allocated to the municipal sector. Authorities have noted that in previous heating seasons, solid fuel was distributed among the population, however, in some regions, coal shortages occurred due to illicit exports to neighboring countries.

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