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  3. Agriculture Ministry Plans to Launch Over 300 Projects Worth $930M
Astana, Kazakhstan • 04 October, 2023 | 15:21
1 min read

Agriculture Ministry Plans to Launch Over 300 Projects Worth $930M

For the next three years, the Ministry plans to commission projects worth over $5,65 billion

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Unsplash/Erwan Hesry
Unsplash/Erwan Hesry

The Agriculture Ministry plans to commission 322 projects worth ₸444 billion (over $930 million), creating approximately 5.3 thousand new job opportunities by the end of this year, QazMonitor reports citing

On October 4, Vice Minister of Agriculture Baglan Bekbauov reported on the implementation of new projects at the Investment Headquarters meeting in Astana. According to him, 115 projects worth ₸130 billion have been commissioned so far, creating 1.7 thousand new jobs.

For the period of 2023-2026, the Ministry has formed an investment pool consisting of 877 projects worth ₸2.7 trillion (over $5,65 billion), aiming to create about 36,000 jobs. Regional road maps with specific deadlines for project commissioning have also been approved.

Additionally, the meeting addressed the implementation of major projects involving foreign investors.

Deputy Foreign Minister Nazira Nurbayeva noted that the Task Force at the Kazakh Invest and Astana International Financial Center has developed a pool of 70 projects worth more than $13 billion, with fourteen of them currently in the preparation stage of investment agreements.

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