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  3. Teachers' Summit: Astana to Host Major Event on Innovations in Education
Astana, Kazakhstan • 29 September, 2023 | 16:25
3 min read

Teachers' Summit: Astana to Host Major Event on Innovations in Education

The event will be held October 5-8

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Nobel Fest
Nobel Fest

The Teachers' Summit is set to take place in Astana from October 5 to 8, 2023. This international event, organized by the Nobel Fest with the support of BINOM SCHOOL, aims to bring together educators from Kazakhstan and Central Asia to exchange ideas and learn from global experts in education.

Find out more information about the speakers and focus areas below and on the official website of the event.

Key Areas of the Educators' Summit:

Mathematics Strand: this segment will focus on best practices in teaching math and strategies to enhance student interest in the subject.

Global Teacher Prize Laureates: distinguished winners of the Global Teacher Prize will share their insights and expertise in pedagogical and educational development.

Speakers at the Educators' Summit:

  • Keishia Thorpe - Education Innovator, Global Teacher Prize Winner, 2021, Co-Founder and Vice President of U.S. Elite International Track and Field.

  • Ranjitsinh Disale - Winner of Global Teacher Prize, 2020, Winner of Innovative Researcher of the Year, 2016, Elementary School Teacher Award.

  • Prof. Abraham Arcavi - Professor Chair, Head of the Department of Science Teaching, Weizmann Institute, Israel.

  • Evans Odei - Top 10 Global Teacher Prize Finalist, 2021, math teacher at Achimota School, participant in the International Leaders in Education Programs (ILEP) program.

  • Olusegun Adeniyi - Top 50 Finalist for the Global Teacher Prize, 2021.

  • Olivier Crouzet - Director of Education at Ecole 42, an innovative digital learning school.

  • Akash Patel - Finalist of the Top 50 Global Teacher Prize, 2018. Founder of the international Happy World Foundation Inc.

  • Phuti Ragophala - Top 50 Global Teacher Prize Finalist, 2017, Microsoft Innovative Expert trainer, Skype Master Teacher.

  • Dr. Claire Nelson - Chief Ideologue of the Future Forum, President of the Institute of Caribbean Studies, Forbes TOP-50 Women Futurists in Future Technology.

Focus Areas of the Teachers' Summit:

The Teachers' Summit will emphasize the development of secondary education, professional orientation for educators, and the cultivation of emotional and adaptive intelligence in students. Key priorities include promoting equity among schools and the application of innovative solutions. Organizers intend to introduce inclusive and creative school development models, incorporate educational technologies (EdTech), and explore gamification in the educational process.

Event Schedule:

October 5, 6, and 8: The summit will be held on the educational platform at BINOM SCHOOL

October 7: The Open National Teachers' Summit will be open to the public. Expert speakers will cover a wide range of topics

On October 7, expert speakers will give keynotes on wide range of topics including the following:

● Educating Educators

● Advancing engineering education in schools

● A look at PISA: what should teachers do with PISA results?

● Rural vs. urban education - teaching children in poverty and teaching in overcrowded classrooms

● What will the schools of the future be like: the experience of Ecole 42

● Teacher leadership development and teaching for social justice

● Internationalization of education

● How to develop cross-border and intercultural academic experiences for students

● Professions of the future: how to make students global citizens?

● Purposeful and intentional development and integration of an international and intercultural curriculum

● Together to the Top: How to create an Olympiad movement in schools?

● Digitalization of education and STEM

● Ambitious math teaching with technology

● Generation Z: born to be digital

● Future engineers: how to create a technology lesson?

The Teachers’ Summit aspires to become an annual international event, providing educators in Kazakhstan and Central Asia with a unique opportunity to learn best pedagogical practices from experts worldwide.

Nobel Fest serves as an international EdTech platform with the primary goal of inspiring thousands of Kazakhstanis to pursue education, science, and innovation. It annually attracts 500,000 participants and 500 universities from 100 countries, spreading the idea that knowledge and comprehensive education are key elements for long-term development, positive change, and a better future.

The mission of Nobel Fest receives support from domestic and international organizations, including the "Altyn Qyran Foundation," one of the largest public foundations in Kazakhstan; General Educational Partner - South Kazakhstan University named after M. Auezov; Strategic Educational Partner - South Kazakhstan University named after M. Auezov; Strategic Partner - Qamalladin University; Official Partner - Platonus company; and BI Group and BI Education companies. Among the general media partners are the leading media agencies of Kazakhstan, Qamalladin Media; the popular medium about life, work, and hobbies, The Steppe; and a progressive medium about people and projects in Central Asia, WeProject.

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