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  3. Astana LRT Project Postponed to 2025
Astana, Kazakhstan • 14 August, 2023 | 13:55
1 min read

Astana LRT Project Postponed to 2025

The two-phased transport project will cost $1.8 billion

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The capital’s public transport operator City Transportation Systems announced that the launch of the Astana LRT project has been postponed from 2024 to 2025, QazMonitor reports citing Kazinform.

Gani Tazhiyev, the company's chair of the board, said that the project will be divided into two phases.

“The first phase is scheduled for commissioning by 2025. It will cost $1.152 billion and involves the complete construction of eight stations. The cost of the second phase is $735 million, covering the operation of ten stations and the construction of an additional fourteen stations. The completion deadline is set for the end of 2026 and is subject to proper financing," said Tazhiyev.

This announcement is a change of plans for the Astana LRT that the city's head, Zhenis Kassymbek, announced back in February. According to him, the project would have been finalized by the end of 2024.

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